If Democrats thought Ambassador Rice could spend several days making an abject fool of herself on television giving an unbelievable response to the Benghazi debacle, and not face scrutiny, they would once again be in the weeds. This has to stop sooner rather then later in my opinion or we risk a great deal. The progress made in this county with regards to minority advancement is something to be proud of. The laws passed to prevent discrimination and promote equal access to opportunity were passed because of the work done by the minority party in congress, the Republicans. Equal access for all is a very conservative principle, understanding that no race or gender is inherently inferior, that giving all Americans an equal chance by opening doors and keeping them open. A society that would institutionalize discriminatory practices could not last, and when women and minorities advanced in America, many conservatives were very proud. They understood that every person has the ability to thrive with our great free market system we have, the best on the planet. If not, then people on the left were right. Women and minorities are disadvantaged based on heredity. In that case go ahead and create a dependent class, we can all chip in and give it our conservative stamp of approval.
My point is you can’t have it both ways. All of us want our children, sons, daughters, black or white to have a chance at achieving heights we couldn’t have imagined a generation ago. We elected a black president, a great moment for sure, race was no longer an issue. Until people objected to his progressive policies. If you appose his policies, you are racist. If you question how he handled the Libya Embassy attack, you may be using racially coded language and you should be ashamed. Some asked was it deception, the reason for sending Ambassador Rice out to spread administration propaganda or gross incompetence? That was met with the charge of both racism and sexism by those defending the indefensible.
So, if you cannot criticize an elected or appointed official, then maybe they shouldn’t hold that position. Yep, no more women or minorities holding important positions anywhere. Ceo’s, judges, all elected officials should now all be white men. After all, nobody had a problem berating President Bush, hell he was a rich white guy, no form of torture was too good for that man. I long for the good old days when you could hang our President in effigy and still remain in the boundaries of political correctness. What are we telling our children? If you are lucky enough to be born a girl or a minority, when you make it to the promise land, they can never fire you, just call Jessie Jackson. Hell why even study, they will promote you based on your ethnicity, not merit. This is one reason why conservatives hate affirmative action, we need to have the very best rise to the top, and this system prevents that from happening. If I were a successful individual that happen to be in a minority class, and I got to where I am by my own merits, I would be outraged at what is happening . And hopefully I might speak out.
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