Ruthless Dems Will Dump Biden

Things are once again heating up politically in Washington. News surfaced that there are now three locations where sensitive documents were found in Biden’s possession, some marked classified, away from where they are supposed to be stored. Some were even found is the Presidents garage between a stack of old National Geographics and Christmas decorations.

Voice Transcript of Article

Although Attorney General Garland appointed a special council in November, nobody expects to witness a midnight raid by the FBI of Jill’s underwear drawer. But why are we just now hearing about it? And who hires a lawyer to clean their garage? And who leaked this information to the press? All questions that really need answers.

I think that this is the first step of an effort designed to make it impossible for Brandon to run again in twenty four. The puppet masters controlling Biden have put their plan in motion to tar this president’s reputation, or what is left of it.  You can still see that Party faithfuls and leftists talking heads are, as expected tying themselves in knots defending and equivocating. Well this in now way is anything like Mar a lago , the talking point spewed out in unison, oh of course not. Ahhhhh… ok.

If you are like me, then you love a juicy conspiracy theory. We just know that as soon as Valerie Jarrett and Obama think it is time, the rest of the Democrats and sycophants in the media will dump the demented geezer in less time than it takes Michael Moore to devourer a Hoagie.

Imagine if you will, being able to pull off a miracle (with the help of the biased media of course) and get a candidate suffering from dementia who never left his basement during the campaign, elected president of the United States.  Once in office, he successfully threw open the doors and ushered in millions of illegal immigrants into our country, choked off our ability to produce cheap energy and passed trillions in legislations packed with public union giveaways and expensive green initiatives. Also, the added bonus of entering into the Paris accord and desperately trying to coax Iran into agreeing to an ill-advised treaty. Starting to sound like Barak’s third term yet?

These first two years of this regime have been a Marxist wet dream. Following the leftist play book, the first people eliminated are the useful idiots who helped you obtain power, never having to keep your promises. Brandon crossed the overlords by stating his desire to run for reelection. I think Obama has as much confidence in Biden’s ability to finish the job of fundamentally transforming America as Andy had in Barney to hold down the fort in Mayberry in his absence. He once said, “don’t ever underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up”.

These Democrats are as ruthless as the mob taking out witnesses to a crime. I wonder if you asked Justice Breyer if he was truly ready to retire. They are now pressuring Justices Sotomayer and Kagen to step down so the liberal president can appoint younger liberal activist judges. Supreme court judge is a lifetime appointment, unless of course you were appointed by a Democrat.

Crazy conspiracy, right? Well, the last 10 or so have already come true. To some, this conspiracy is as plain as the nose on Barbara Streisand’s face. So, when it all plays out as I have laid out, remember you heard it here first.

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