The American Electorate…..Are We As Dumb As We Look?

 Well on the surface you would have to come to that conclusion. How many American voters could possibly be oblivious to the rampant spending in Washington, a horrible economy, and a shaky at best foreign policy? We were told polls said that Romney was the clear choice to captain us through the choppy waters we now find our ship in. If you were to ask Republicans, we have already run aground.

   The way I see the electorate this election cycle is as follows. Three camps, conservatives, and conservative lights. Republicans and confused Democrats. Many of us believe in lower taxes for all, cutting wasteful spending, and a strong defense. The Democrats, the camp that is the most divers in their backgrounds. In this camp, we have the staunchest of liberals, anarchists, Marxists, ecoterrorists, union thugs, soccer moms, and many minorities. Although their number do not overwhelm conservatives, they  are predominant in the print, and television media putting a heavy thumb on the scale.
  The so called swing voters, don’t really have a camp, that would be too rigid, not militant in their views, they tend to mill around offering little in the way of opinion. These fair minded people have difficulty making clear choices. You may have seen these people on television, a week before the election still undecided. Their lives  driven by emotion, always seeing positive, or some negative, with both sides of every issue. Swing voters can be easily swayed, in the same poll, they may say overwhelmingly that spending in Washington is the number one problem, then when asked if congress should propose spending cuts, they say no. But do not distress, ask them again in a month and you may get another answer. They will tell you they did their research, being fair minded, meaning you got your information from Fox News. I once had an argument with a swing voter, the subject, Israel’s security. It was like playing whack-a-mole. I would hammer home a point and they would pop up with a totally different point, never conceding defeat.
  The numbers of swing voters, in key swing states was enough to re-elect a staggering president. If you couldn’t see a discernible difference in the two candidates you weren’t paying attention. The choice couldn’t have been clearer. I had one Obama voter tell me one reason they voted for the president was that Romney and The President agreed on so many issues. Oh Really?

Unemployment To Rise?

   Finally, the election is over. The nation has spoken, the progressive agenda now has the stamp of approval by at least 50 percent of Americans, or so we are being told. Now Republicans, the time has come for you to shut up and get the hell out of Obama’s way. Everyone know the President has submitted a plan to congress that would create millions of jobs, putting us on the road to a balanced budget, all the while saving Medicare and social security. The last year and a half, Obama has told anyone who would listen that his plan would have worked if it wasn’t blocked by the House Republicans, the same budget that didn’t receive a single vote from Democrats either. I am afraid the only people that don’t believe that are the new 47% “the people who voted for Romney”.

    One day after the election, hundreds of businesses large and small announced countless layoffs. Those evil corporations were called unpatriotic by liberal pundits. Why did they wait till after the election to announce these layoffs, if they wanted to hurt the president they should have done it before the election I was told by a really smart talking head? Well you don’t have to have a Harvard business degree to answer that question. With an unpopular president presiding over a failed economy,  and a candidate with a serious plan to curb spending, lessen the regulations killing business there was a sense of hope. Well now nothing has changed, the same problems exist with zero chance of being resolved.
       Well, where to now? I heard Dana Perino of Fox News and former Bush administration spokesperson say of the looming fiscal cliff that businesses will have economic uncertainty removed if the congress and President get together on a “balance approach” to the budget. Well I couldn’t disagree more, the uncertainty has been completely removed. Most business owners are sure that taxes will be higher, energy costs will increase, and now Obama Care is now the law of the land. Nothing that comes out of the next grand bargain will help the economy grow, thus making the prospect in the near future for job growth an economic physics improbability.
Story by
Pat Barrett

Dems Play Shell Game With Cliff

    Let me get a grip on this truly warped situation our brave leaders have gotten us into. We are in fact spending 1 trillion dollars more then we take in to the federal coffers. When the Democrat lead congress passed two stimulus bills and what is know as the Omnibus spending bill, $410 Billion and 1000 pages added to the baseline budget to be spent every year. Is it any wonder why this group of mad spenders don’t want any discussion of a budget? Add the affordable care act to future budgets and you get a very grim picture of our fiscal house. Money we don’t have going to keep union employees employed, corporate crones from the green energy crowd, and to an every growing non producing sector now referred to as the middle class.
     I do remember the president going on television the day after he and his party passed the Omnibus bill, decrying the rampant spending practices coming from the Republicans in congress. Huh? Did I just hear him right? Fast forward 4 years, the mantra continues, the wealthiest among us should pay a little more. To what end I ask? With a trillion dollar budget gap, and a 16 trillion dollar debt on the tally clock and growing, how can raising taxes help the problem? Oh, and have you heard a single Democrat tell you what they would be willing to cut? Wealth redistribution has been going on with the tax code for a while now, this is stage two. Our system has become an upside pyramid, with the producers forming the point at the bottom.  This should collapse soon.
     The real problem is our growth rate hovering below 2 %, if we get above 4% to 6% we may have a recovery, but not by raising taxes, sorry, doesn’t work that way. You raise taxes now with Obama Care coming down on business owners heads, those empty buildings you see downtown and in strip malls, will become soup kitchens.