You Call Me Intolerant, Please Do

Well, another yearly larger than life uniquely American sporting event has come and gone. Not surprisingly, one team won, and the other did not. As far as a football game it was unremarkable. As far as the half time entertainment, now that was truly extraordinary. An all star cast of entertainers that nobody over fifty can explain with any degree of certainty. The typical lip sync, inaudible lyrics, I presume much for the better, and the periodic crotch grab was all most of us needed to declare this year’s halftime show even worse than last years choreographed face diaper circus.

While following my social media account, I was struck by the number of millennial soccer moms reveling in the moment of pure euphoria over such an amazing show. One woman claimed it made her feel safe and brought he back to a simpler time. After reading multiple gushing posts, I decided to post to the subject myself. I made the simple observation that most people that loved the show most likely spend their free time organizing smash and grab robberies on line. Yes, as tongue and cheek as it was it did ruffle some feathers. One lady called me narrow minded. Now that got me thinking. Exactly what was she saying about me?

I imagine she views me as intolerant. Closed minded to a culture someone my age couldn’t possibly understand. Well, when you have millions of young people being influenced by millionaire gangster wannabes who will tell you without a doubt that a real man” keeps his bitches in line” and would rather spend 20 years in prison for murder than be disrespected in front of their crew as well as declaring open season on the police. I’m thinking that is something I wouldn’t tolerate.

I know, we have been told for decades that we need to be more tolerant if we want to be thought of as a good person. You know the more I think about it, this also applies to almost any subject you can think of. Illegal migrants pouring across an open border and an administration refusing to enforce existing immigration laws. You can’t bring that up at many dinner parties.

How about ridiculous no cash bail laws that allow a never-ending revolving door for repeat criminal offenders. City council members and mayors refusing to stop BLM and Antifa members from looting and burning down minority owned business because they were having a bad day. Post an article from a conservative outlet on Facebook and face the wrath from the leftist hoards.

Whatever you do, never touch the third rail of social media by bringing up the subject of our once great American cities turned into ever growing homeless encampments. How truly intolerant would someone be to complain about the trash piles and human feces littering taxpayer funded parks and recreation areas. Our cities have become so unsafe that residences are afraid to leave their homes.

These problems can only exist if people tolerate these conditions. It is now time for us to become less tolerant. If it helps, I will go first. I now Identify as a white male intolerant Baby Boomer. I will wear this label with honor.


    • Jan on February 21, 2022 at 8:28 am
    • Reply

    I proudly identify as an intolerant white female baby boomer, and will wear my badge with honor. I do not tolerate the atrocities you mention. Given that I live in socialist Seattle and am surrounded with an infestation of thoroughly intolerant leftists, I most likely will not wear it while on the streets in this city that has completely abandoned any idea of right and wrong, simply because there is no tolerance for me or my beliefs.

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